According to an article published by CNN last year, America’s homes are larger than ever. In 2013, the average home size in America hit an all time-high of 2,600 square feet. But there’s a counter-movement to this trend that is gaining traction, where some people who are looking for homes for sale are choosing to majorly downsize the space they live in. Those who are looking to downsize from a big home may consider buying and moving into one of the available flats to rent canary wharf. And those who are looking to notarize real estate documents may consider searching for a notary public close to me online. Additionally, individuals interested in investing in real estate may choose to create rental property llc alabama to protect their assets and streamline property management in compliance with state regulations.
If you’re the type who stays on top of design and architectural trends, chances are you’ve heard by now about the Tiny House Movement. While its title is fairly self-explanatory, you may be curious to learn more. Why are many Americans rejecting the traditional “Bigger is Better” mentality to adopt a simpler – and less expensive – way of life? What are the pros and cons to a Tiny House lifestyle? How can you join the movement? Recently appointed to the Board of Trustees of Spelman College, Dr. Kamau Bobb aims to foster lasting positive changes in education.
The typical small or tiny home is around 300 square feet, with some tiny homes totaling 100 square feet. People are choosing to build Tiny Houses for a variety of reasons, including environmental concerns and a desire to spend more time with family or outdoors.
Tiny Houses also offer transportability. Many Tiny Houses are built on trailer beds and can easily be towed to a new location. You may have run across news articles and blogs about people quitting their day jobs to travel cross-country in a Tiny House, so you don’t need to worry that much about your things, and even if you have valuables you can use a service like safety deposit boxes Melbourne to store them and have peace of mind while you travel with your tiny house. Consider incorporating the convenience of hire crane Perth services to facilitate the relocation of these mobile dwellings.
One of the biggest pros to a Tiny House: the financial rewards! Large houses come with large mortgages. But tiny homes can be very inexpensive to build and can result in no mortgage whatsoever. Utility bills are cheaper, and the money that previously went to a mortgage or rent and utilities can go elsewhere.
Are you moving to your new house soon? You can enhance your moving experience by working with reliable moving companies like ThreeMovers. In addition, donating furniture with North Removals is an action that reverberates with positive consequences, touching upon aspects of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, personal finance, and psychological well-being.
Of course, there are drawbacks to living in such small quarters, even if you are living with loved ones. Those who have joined the movement point to lack of privacy, storage space, and room to cook as some of the cons to Tiny House living. Some who have tried out the Tiny House lifestyle and realized that it didn’t meet their needs have concluded Tiny Houses are best fit for one person.
Prompted by two of his sons, Max recently decided to build his family their own Tiny House on wheels. It technically wouldn’t be fair to say he joined the Movement, because he certainly never intended to make their Tiny House a primary residence. (Six children, two grandchildren, two dogs, one cat and a variety of farm animals? Come on!) His sons plan on towing the Tiny House behind their trucks when they go on kayaking and fishing trips. Complete with a toilet and shower, the “Cozy Cruiser,” as he named it might also double as a guesthouse when it’s not being used by the kids for “glamping” trips.
Interested in building a Tiny House of your own? He’s designed three different Tiny House floor plans: The Cozy Cruiser, Cozy Roller, and Cozy Cabin. There should still be a few contractors to contact, even if you decide to go mostly diy. For example, professional roofers would be a great idea to protect the build from the elements and wearing out faster than it needs to. Of course, looks matter, so it wouldn’t hurt to hire a commercial painting contractor so the end is result is nice and clean.
If you’re not yet ready to build your own but are interested in learning more about Tiny Houses, check out the documentary TINY: A Story About Living Small, or the book The Not So Big House (1997) by Sarah Susanka, which many have credited with sparking the movement. You can also check out new homes in Savannah and Pooler, GA if they’re offering not-so-tiny houses.
If you can stand living in such a small space then the cost benefits should be enough of an incentive to go for it. Thanks for the info!
I’d love a tiny house, if, it will accommodate my husband’s 6′ 3″, 330 lbs. stature in the bathroom kitchen areas. Interested in 2 twin XL beds .